I continue to talk w NHRA track managers, they all seem very excited about having Harley’s in the Show and are agreeable w most questions (especially since I’ve told ’em I’m NOT official in any capacity).
In brief, the consensus is:
you can sell YOUR tee shirts from your rigs (these can not be event specific or have the name of the track on them),
Still working on some type of pre-registration as the tracks want to know in advance how many are coming so they can set up their parking grids (this is probably going to continue to be a discussion with Harley-Davidson-NHRA regional and national, don’t know if it’ll be resolved by TX).
If you have a sponsor who would like to set up on any midway, you’ll need to contract the track directly, otherwise, you can give away stickers and brag on ’em in your pit area.
No fires (not sure that that’s ever been an issue but worth mentioning since it was brought up by a couple tracks).
You will be tech’d at EACH track by NHRA crews.
If you live near an NHRA divisional event track and want to be a part of pre-race publicity it might be easier to let me know to save you some time getting to the right person who sets that part up, BUT you can obviously do it on your own, too. Just be very sweet
These tracks WANT to work w you. They’re psyched and know that we’ll be bringing “our” fans to their events. In fact, AMRA, WMDRA (STURGIS) are also excited, let’s make the best of this formative and changing year.
Hopefully the next calendar will have the official event names and sponsors. When you send out a release, please remember to use the COMPLETE event name.
AND there’s a lot of chatter about vintage bikes this season, not only from Red (Texas Scooter Times) who’s lead the field in giving vintage an opportunity to be on a track, and there’s a SHOW at VMax coordinated by Frank Spittle, so go ahead and start dragging out that ol’ stuff.
if everything goes as planned .going to show my 1980 era. panster 103in. one gear nitro bike.
Hello Mary Lou,
Many of us Nitro Pro Dragster riders have heard through several NHRA DIVISON DIRECTORS and some have had direct contact with Harley Brass and they all say we will be invited to run the 10 race series. But yet nothing has been posted in the nhraracer.com website. Do you have any insite in this. Thank you