The new 2016 Kawasaki ZX10R has a updated engine design with larger electronically controlled throttlebodies, a 32bit ECU, Enhanced Power Modes, a new chassis and even a launch control mode. But this rocket is still highly restricted and that needs attention. Let us un-restrict your ZX10R and let that rocket soar!
The 2016 ZX10R is restricted in the following ways:
Limited peak hoursepower by closing the throttle valves at high RPM
Limited Hard Acceleration by Restricting Secondary Throttle Blade Opening
Reduced Peak Power Output by Limited Ignition Timing and/or RPM
Top Speed Limit or High Gear RPM Limits
These restrictions are used to control power output to allow easier control of the motorcycle for street conditions. However, these will limit the full potential of engine for racing use. Allow us to eliminate these restrictions and allow your engine to run the way it should.
Kawasaki ZX10R (2016) Reflash Features
Standard Reflash:
Increased Rev Limiter to 14,200 RPM (+500rpm from stock)
Top Speed Restriction Removed
Throttle Blades Open More Aggressively And Stay Open at Full Throttle
Free access to new basic features as they become available. (This would include adjusting radiator fan temp switching, mode select switch retention, disabling of stock O2 sensor etc) You just pay shipping.
CAT-Back Exhaust Reflash:
Adjusted Fuel Tables to Match the Exhaust
Increased Rev Limiter to 14,200 RPM (+500rpm from stock)
Top Speed Restriction Removed
Throttle Blades Open More Aggressively And Stay Open at Full Throttle
Free access to new basic features as they become available. (This would include adjusting radiator fan temp switching, mode select switch retention, disabling of stock O2 sensor etc) You just pay shipping.

Once you complete the order, just send the ECU in to us and we’ll flash it the same day it comes in. We’ll then ship it back to you. Send with a copy of your receipt to:
Schnitz Racing
222 N 3rd St
Decatur, IN 46733
Where is the ECU? – The ECU is located in the tail section. It has three large connectors on it. You will need to removed the plastic cover to gain access.
What is ECU Reflashing? ECU stands for “Engine Control Unit.” It is the computer that takes information from the various sensors on the engine like crankshaft RPM, manifold pressure and throttle position to determine how much fuel to deliver through the fuel injectors and when to fire the ignition coils. The computer “chip” that is the heart of the ECU is usually an EEPROM — an Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory chip. The Read Only part of that means the chip retains its programming without periodic electronic refreshing; loss of electrical power doesn’t lead to the chip losing its programming (It’s like the CMOS BIOS of a computer). “Flashing” the chip involves electronically erasing the read only program and replacing it with new, updated information (the engine control ‘map’).
More questions answered here: ECU Reflashing – Questions and Answers
Other questions? – Send us an email via our Contact Page
*Off Road Use Only! Not to be used on any public roads or highways. Owner/Rider assumes all risks.
Here is a direct link to the 2016 reflash –