Enjoy some video coverage and photos from the XDA Bike Fest from Maryland International Raceway, July 27-29. There are more videos on the Cycledrag Youtube channel (please subscribe here) and the Cycledrag.com Facebook page (Please like here) and more will be coming soon.
Live Videos
Final Pro Qualifying
Larry McBride and Dave Vantine Pre-Race Interviews
4.60 Round No. 1 from the Finish Line
Pro Street Round No. 2
Real Street Racer Eddie Chapman
Team Crusher Dragbike Racing
Dave Dunigan servicing the clutchTeam SRW Precision RacingRodney Williford, Pro Street world record holder, showing Cycledrag.com some love
Jordan Hasse and Team
This beautiful young lady just so happened to be a big Cycledrag.com fan and is enjoying a seat on the quickest motorcycle in the world.Dave VantineOne of the many custom Baggers at the eventLarry McBride
Tony Loveless and the Bud Light Grudge Bike
One of the toughest bracket racers out there, Lewis “Kip” Green