Exploring Pro Stock Motorcycle Parity

Parity? The media has continually pointed out the improved parity and seemingly leveled playing field which has manifested itself in NHRA’s Pro Stock Motorcycle class. But let’s face it – a closer look reveals not much has changed and the…

Llewellyn to Race a Bryce-Tuned Pro Stock Motorcycle in 2007

Six-time NHRA champion crew chief George Bryce has built a reputation for discovering talent, hiring greats like John Myers and Angelle Sampey.  Has he found another? The NHRA’s first female African-American Pro competitor Peggy Llewellyn announced she will run the…

19 Combinations to Choose From in Pro Sport Bike

The MIROCK Series has continued to adjust the rules of one of its marquee classes, Pro Sportbike, to maintain parity and allow for all types of motorcycles and riders.  In 2007 the number of possible combinations reaches an all-time high…

Chris Rivas Acquires New Crew Chief

After a 17th place finish in the 2006 POWERade Pro Stock Motorcycle points standings third-year racer Chris Rivas and his Mohegan Sun team have hired Rick Maney as a new crew chief.  Maney comes from an extensive background of engine-building…

Armon Furr’s Most Valuable Tool – His Father

After winning the 2006 AHDRA Pro Fuel Championship, Armon Furr says his greatest asset in the pits isn’t in his tool box, or the laptop in the trailer – it’s his father After a tremendously successful championship season in AHDRA…

Rob Muzzy to Build ZX-14 NHRA Pro Stock Bike for 2007

After a two year hiatus from his long time racing partner Kawasaki Motors Corporation, Rob Muzzy will again field a Team Green Pro Stock Motorcycle in 2007. Muzzy with rider Ryan Schnitz opted to run a Buell for the last…

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