Further proof that sometimes you just never know what will go viral, Cycledrag’s video update of the lack of participation at the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally made worldwide news and garnered millions of views.
The story and video was picked up several prominent news outlets including Breitbart, Fox News, Newsweek and also by a host of prominent digital pundits and commentators. The initial video on Cycledrag Facebook did nearly 4 million views, with the Cycledrag Tiktok and Cycledrag Youtube videos eclipsing a combined 2.5 million views.
“It was a straightforward motorcycle-related news update of what I observed and found to be unusual at the Rally. It’s not something I ever thought would get this much attention. Clearly this is a major story that a lot of people care about,” Cycledrag’s Jack Korpela said. “When I cover an event I try to offer as much variety as I can to let folks who couldn’t be there live vicariously through me and get a true taste of the atmosphere. When something like this happens, it’s always my hope that many of the people who discovered Cycledrag for the first time become a regular viewer. This helps every single event I cover gain more exposure.”
Here is a glimpse of the coverage in Newsweeks and Breitbart

There are more videos on the Cycledrag Youtube channel (please subscribe here) and the Cycledrag Facebook page (Please like here) and more will be coming soon. Check back daily.
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