Veteran Harley Davidson racer Michael Beland, owner of A1, of Maiden, North Carolina, is proud to announce he will be sponsoring the new AHDRA class of Unlimited Bagger.
“Imagine all-out Harley drag racing baggers, no wheelie bars, this is going to be insane wheel-standing action,” Beland said. “Only real drivers need apply, must have big-ones to compete!”

While exact class rules are still being hammered out by the new All Harley Drag Racing Association staff, an informal prominent racer advisory ad-hoc-committee is giving input on how to structure this new, exciting class. The goal is to have high horsepower, no wheelie-bars, all out baggers going heads-up off a pro-tree, first racer to the stripe wins. Bikes will feature creative engine combinations, turbochargers and or nitrous oxide, but will all compete equally.

The AHDRA has been out of competition since 2012, but is slated to begin hosting races again in the spring of 2020 under the wing of Pulse Marketing, owned and operated by Bill Rowe, of PA. Bill has been involved with “All Harley” type drag racing events for decades as both a racer and promoter. Mr. Rowe acquired the naming rights of the AHDRA from Craig Tharpe, former president and promoter of the AHDRA. Bill recently commented in a press release “At 14 I was doing racer payouts and handling the points system, so I’ve been doing this awhile now. We’re looking to bring back that AHDRA style of racing.” He is confident his family and staff is up to the task of running the new AHRDA, they intend to host 6 to 8 events in 2020.
Michael Beland, a top performer in Harley racing action from flat-track to baggers and he’s a former AMRA 2016 Top Fuel Harley Champion is now located at 4336s NC-16 Highway, Maiden, North Carolina, 28650. Mike’s shop, A1 will be building bikes and competing in the new Unlimited Bagger class, as well as being the title sponsor of the class in 2020. Mike has stated this about the new class “I am proud to be associated with the new AHDRA and being a title sponsor of this new and amazing wide-open class. People will see low 8 second baggers making wheels-up quarter mile passes. The minimal rules package invites creativity and requires above all great rider skills.”
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